COVID-19 + Diabetes

Medicines and Pandemic

Medicines and Pandemic

Managing diabetes during a pandemic presents unique challenges for patients. With so many changes to normal routines, it is important to identify a plan to maintain access to medications and devices for optimal control of diabetes. The keys to succeed during this time...

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COVID-19 and Exercise

COVID-19 and Exercise

Staying active has been a challenge for everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Concerns about contracting COVID-19 can be paralyzing, contributing to a decline in physical activity and a deterioration in glucose control for people with diabetes.  While all of us have...

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Meal Planning During a Pandemic

Meal Planning During a Pandemic

“What’s for dinner?” is one of the top questions in our households now. We are cooking at home more and to make it complicated, taking fewer trips to the grocery store. Hopefully, you have some time to cook and experiment in the kitchen and maybe even found comfort in...

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FAQs about Diabetes + COVID-19

FAQs about Diabetes + COVID-19

Are people with diabetes more likely to get the COVID-19 infection than others? There is no evidence, as of now, that people with diabetes are at higher risk of catching the COVID-19 infection compared to those without diabetes. However, people with consistently high...

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7 Tips for Healthy Eating While Working from Home

7 Tips for Healthy Eating While Working from Home

We are all spending more time at home due to our current situation of the COVID-19 global pandemic. For many people, this means balancing a lot, including caring for family members, working from home, and more cooking at home. While we are social distancing, there is...

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