There are important differences between type 1 diabetes (~5% of persons) and type 2 diabetes (90-95% of persons). Other types, such as unusual genetic forms of diabetes, also exist. Diagnosing the type of diabetes is important for appropriate medical treatment.

  Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
Formerly known as… “Juvenile Onset” or “Insulin Dependent” Diabetes “Adult Onset” or “Noninsulin Dependent” Diabetes
Who is diagnosed?

Children and teens, usually with healthy body weight, but also diagnosed in adults.

These individuals may be the only ones in their family with the disease.

Usually diagnosed in adults who are overweight or obese but also diagnosed in children.

These individuals often have relatives with diabetes.

What causes it? The individual’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the pancreas. The pancreas can no longer produce insulin, a hormone needed for controlling blood glucose. These individuals can still produce insulin but the body becomes resistant to its effects. Over time, the pancreas eventually stops producing insulin.
How is it detected?

The same diagnostic criteria are used for both types of diabetes. However, blood tests (i.e. autoantibody tests) may help clarify whether a patient has type 1 versus type 2 diabetes.

How is it treated? Patients with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin. Some patients with type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose by reducing their weight and changing their diet. Most others are treated with pills, injectable medicines, or insulin.


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